Wednesday, July 29, 2009

raising myself

sunday 26th
So today I made a raw walnut/date pie with blackberry jam sauce. It was so easy and all with a blender! Everyone at the house loved it! They couldn't believe that the crust and filling was only walnuts and dates. I took some pictures but I'll have to wait to post them because I don't have the  USB cord for my camera at the moment :-( 
I would of loved to post them today in this post.
I went and made the epic journey to retrieve my verizon blitz cell phone at the crazy county fair I had lost last week. I thought I could just talk to the ticket taker at the gate and be on my way.
That wasn't the case. I showed up half dressed. dress on and in my L.L. Bean moccasin slippers.
People gave me looks and a girl made a comment "She's wearing comfortable shoes" to her significant other. That was all before I entered the gates of carni hell. I had to go to three buildings and ask the same question over and over again. The smell of funnel cakes and slimy hot dogs lingered in the air. It was actually quite sickening when the night I actually went to the fair it was slightly pleasant. I don't know why. After trekking across the grounds in my moccasins to the last office I gave up. On my way out another woman stopped me. She was sitting down eating a funnel cake. She said "Ma'am! excuse me!"  I could see her staring as I walked passed. "Are your shoes comfortable?" I just kind of pondered that question. I felt out of place but I also was thinking---WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?
I just smiled and told her I lost my phone and I just came into the fair to get it. 
She nodded her head and looked like she thought I was insane and in awe of me at the same time.  Then Alison and I went to Walgreen's to get a few things for her. It's so funny going in there. I remember I loved going to drug stores and buy cosmetics, lotion, new hair products...etc. Now it just doesn't faze me. It's crazy how much advertising is made for just women. Women put all this unnecessary stuff on their body. More than men do!  
You see Halle Berry, Adriana Lima, Eva Mendes grace the advertisements above the toxic chemical waste that gets absorbed by our skin. Beautiful women promoting these nasty chemicals. If I were famous I would start my own organic makeup line and it would have wonderful ingredients. I ordered some foundation from this chick named Jenique from New York City. She makes raw, organic makeup. Everything is from the earth. It was amazing! best foundation I ever used and it lasted all day! It was really hard to break away from the commerical makeup trap I had myself in. I even wanted to be a makeup artist. I feel like I don't look right with makeup now. I haven't been wearing it since I did the master cleanse. I don't really feel like I need foundation now anyways. My skin is clear.
But never the less Alison got what she needed.

Haley* came to pick me up at the house. I made Alison, Haley* some celery, pineapple, banana smoothies and changed out of my infamous moccasins for flip flops. We went down to Natasha's Bistro to Drew's (one of Haley*'s friend's) going away party. As we were walking down there Haley* turned around and remembered her CD for drew she had put together (she's a singer) and right as she turned around this guy stopped at the light and asked if we wanted to buy his cd. A little weird right? We told him we didn't have any cash and he invited us to Common Grounds to hear him rap. Haley* and I pointed out the coincidence of this happening. She thought that every time we we're together something like this happened. Which is true. 
We went and sat down at Natasha's a lot of bands were playing that night. We talked to Samantha*, Drew's ex girlfriend, she works there. She's really nice. Very petite, seems very confident.
I admire people's confidence. 
Chris* showed up and was a total dick to Haley*. He's very intelligent. He's very creative. He knows exactly what to say to get in a girl's pants. But knows nothing about letting a girl down easy. But what 22 year old guy does I guess. Haley* got very upset. I could hear her thinking. I could see she was distraught over this guy who totally played her. We had to leave and come back because it hurt her so much. All she wanted to do was drink she told me. She just wanted to let loose. When we came back Haley* hunted Chris* down and he eventually gave in and talked to her. I could tell it made her feel a little bit better. She wanted his attention but she knew she didn't need it. He demands attention.  He eventually grew tired of the conversation and went for another round of beer.
We went out and talked to Adam* and Casey*. Casey* had been eyeing me all night. I sat by myself while Haley* was talking to some friends and I could feel his eyes on me. Haley* knows Adam* from working at a pita joint down the street. He quit awhile ago but always had a thing for Haley*. 

STOP! this is really starting to sound like a teen mini-series or something. okay, but i'll continue.

Casey* introduced himself. I could tell he just wanted to talk to me. He couldn't wait for me to introduce myself. He said I reminded him of a greek goddess of the ocean and called me goddess the rest of the night, telling everyone I was a goddess and compared me to Mya, the singer. I really didn't know what to think. Casey* was attractive. He looked younger than he was. He was 24 and he didn't look a day over 20. He was cute but at the same time he lacked depth. He said over a group conversation on music that the beatles sucked. I guess I didn't care.

I ended up drinking some of drew's wine and getting a buzz. We all went to McCarthy's afterwards. Haley*, Casey*, Adam* and I walked there. Haley* wasn't of age and actually gave the guy at the door her wrong birthday. A birthday that was 20 days before she would turn 21.
I guess he didn't realize it or didn't care. Obviously he didn't care and we walked on in.
I sat next to Casey* talking about eating raw foods, and LFO because for some reason that was what was playing in the background. Chris* walked around ignoring Haley*. She was totally bothered by it and it was obvious and Adam* was just in awe of her. I started to get alittle nervous for some reason and went and got some drinks at the bar for me, Haley* and Casey*. Casey* told me he had never had a girl buy him a drink. The only reason I did was because I had a ten dollar tab at the bar. I guess he felt flattered. I felt like he was being a little lame now. I have never seen a guy drink sex on the beach lol. 
 I got ripped off of two and was happy, giddy and dancing all over the place like a ballerina.
Haley* says I act more girly when I am drunk. Haley*, Casey* and Adam and I walked back to our cars but Casey* and I jumped into the fountain. I got the bright idea that we should all go swimming so we all went back to Gary*'s to go swimming at his pool. 
I was so happy drunk. More than ever. I was disappointed that I gave in and drank but I was so happy! Luckily I had my swim suit in my purse. I walked out of Gary*s apartment. All the guys eyes were on me. I liked that at the moment. I felt sexy, wanted. I knew I looked good.
We all went down to the pool with drinks in our hands. Adam* jumped in and so did Casey*, Haley* and I*. Gary* just watched. I can remember things drunk, I just can't remember what I've said sometimes. Casey* was starting to get sleezy in the pool. Asking if I had any tattoos of any kind. I told him no and he said he didn't believe me. He wandered farther away from all of us trying to lure me to him. I talked to Gary* for  awhile and finally Casey* grew tired of my games and told Adam* he wanted to go home. I didn't want the night to end, so I stopped him.
I went up to him and stood over him in the pool. He started feeling up my legs and then I got off. He told me I was a tease. I disagreed. Gary* agreed I was a tease. I asked Casey* what his tattoo meant. He told me it was a cross from his church. It was rather strange. 
He told me I was a tease again and I kissed him. He wasn't a bad kisser but he was a smoker and I could taste it on his breath. Still I made out with him. Ugh, what was I thinking. No more smokers and no more making out with guys that hate the beatles and are cute but sleazy. Ugh.

We ended up going back to Drew's place and hanging out over there. Casey* went to sleep and Adam*, Drew, Haley* and I stayed up til 8 in the morning.
Adam* took us back to our car around 9.

I felt so immature. Aw youth.

Wednesday 29th
today I woke up at 5 am with so much energy!
I went out and ran in the rain for 2 hours. I love running and listening to my ipod. 
I can just be me!
Then I ate half a cantaloupe. It was so good! So juicy! I love juicy fruit!
Later on I had 3 bananas. I am starting to not like bananas that much. I like juicy fruits a lot more. I'm gonna cut back on the bananas. I do have a craving for avocado though.
Then I cheated, I had two pieces of tofu and a date roll and later on today I had a spring roll...I felt guilty afterwards. :-?
Then I had golden 2 golden kiwi's.
Alison and I stopped at Whole Foods. I had no clue they had a hot bar and a buffet. Tempting but honestly it didn't look that great. The food looked like it had been sitting out waaay too long.  Alison got avocado, cream cheese, blueberry, carrot spring roll. 
I bought a nice papaya, a bag of avocados, a coconut and an Naked Juice Blue Machine.
I payed six dollars for an Naked Juice Blue Machine that I later found out was expired.
Silly Whole Foods...Silly Me. I also noticed it had a lot of added stuff to it. I think I am going to stop drinking those. I don't trust it. Just like I don't trust Burt's Bee's after Clorox bought them out.
I am so excited to be eating this way! It makes me feel unique and it makes me feel good. I have always loved fruit out of all things. I never thought I could just eat fruit and feel satisfied and I do! Even after a couple of days. I know I will lose a lot of weight which isn't my goal.  My goal is to feel beautiful, vibrant and healthy on the inside and for that to radiate outward. I have already went from a size 36 c to size 36 a. It's always the boobs that go first.
I just ate a whole tomato by itself. No salt, no pepper. Still tastes great!

Today we drove by my old house where my mom planted an organic garden. She planted fruit trees. They were really tiny but now they are huge and beautiful. We don't live there because my mom and her husband got divorced and she moved to California. No one has bought it yet.
We drove by and the fruit trees were full of apples and pears. Naturally, I had to stop and get some. A lot of the bugs had gotten to them and the good ones were at the top of the trees.  There were so many. I was so happy and thankful my mom planted them. What a blessing with all this going on. The house is so beautiful. It sits up on this hill with a nice cool breeze and has wonderful flowers, herbs and trees scattered through out the yard. It made me realize even after years of wanting to live in the city that I would actually want something exactly like this for myself. Okay, maybe somewhere warm all year round and I would definitely have to hire someone to at least mow the grass. 
I have been reading Mango the fruitarians blog. I love reading the interviews he does with other people and reading about the changes they have made with fruit. There was one quote of the ladies made in the interview that really stuck with me. I posted it as my status on my facebook. I always post quotes as my statuses. I love to help and inspire people. It was:

It's so simple --- when your choices support life around you -- the universe automatically supports the life in you. It is a mirror of intentionality.

This is so true. Beyond explanation. Today was a perfect example when I drove by the old house and saw all those amazing fruits just waiting for me. Why didn't I realize all that was there? 
There is so much around me. It's all there. I realized this the other day I went to the library with my ex to get books on organic farming, essential oils and just natural alternative health.
I broke it off with him and of course he wanted the books back and I was kinda upset I had to part with the books I was deeply involved with but it as I gave them to him and came back into the house, I looked at the bookcase and in the living room cupboards of Janet and Melissa's house. There were books on all the things I had checked out. Books my mom had given them and others they had collected along the way. I had no idea and it was right in front of my face!
Tons of books about organic farming, soil, essential oils, natural health. How could I be so blind. It was quite weird. 

Today we also went and looked at apartments. I got this weird vibe from this guy that showed up while we were waiting for the landlord to show up in his old gray volvo. He had his kickboxing gear with him, his sunglasses on. He seemed kind of hippyish, tall and quiet but I really thought he was attractive and intriguing. I felt connected to him some how. Which is funny because that's not my type. Well actually I don't really have a type come to think of it. He went inside and brought his dog out. His dogs name was Mischa. She was a pretty white dog. Looked a lot like a beautiful wolf. I let her nuzzle my face. I hope we move there. Just because of the fact we'd have a cute, mysterious guy around. Wonder if it would be worth the trouble.
I am so boy crazy, it's quite sad. I don't even need one around. I need to focus on me! ME ME ME!! Is all it needs to be right now. I need to keep reminding myself that. Thank you inner being. But oh god, there was something about him.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Setting Your Intentions

I intend to see more choices because I want to be the best person I can be and create wonderful new things! So exciting!

I intend to have joy radiate through my heart  because I feel wonderful when joy is in my heart and I can give it to others. Yay joy!!

I intend to have healthy relationships so that I might relate and shine my light on others and create wonderful opportunities.

I intend to have a closer connection to my source so that I can be strong mentally and physically.

I intend to work at Bluegrass Barkery this fall because I know it would be a great experience to have with raw food for dogs and for G and I could learn more about organic foods and I love the atmosphere.

I intend to work at Good Foods Co-op  and feel comfortable working at both places because I love the atmosphere and I deserve to work somewhere wonderful and would be great to learn more about health and wellness and apply that to my dream of opening a holistic center.

I intend to apply for the Lexington Healing Arts Academy Program and have it fully funded this fall because I want to spend my money on fun activities and to learn something that I can make money with during school and to strengthen my knowledge

In a field I will use in my holistic spa.

I intend to own a car by September of this year because I want to be able to travel from place to place. I want the car to work perfectly and to have an Ipod jack and have low-gas mileage.

I intend to find a fully furnished apartment with a friend that has a yard or a park near by

That is warm in the winter so that I can take G on walks and play with him because he deserves to get exercise and have fun.

I intend to decorate it in an feng shui/asian manner because I love the calming feeling it has on me and the spiciness to it! It is going to be great in my new home!!

I intend to go to Australia next summer with a friend because I love the beautiful landscape and the raw food people there and the wildlife

I intend to buy a dehydrator this fall and make eat 80% raw because I want to make lots of raw food! I am very excited about this!! Think of all the wonderful foods I can create!!!

I intend to feed G a healthy organic diet because I want him to be very healthy so that he might have the best life possible! I love him so much!!!

I intend to start making my own organic body care line because I love the feeling that I made these things and I know the ingredients and I can help people on a path to physical wellness!!

I intend to have my own spa business in 2011 because I want to have the first Holistic Center in Lexington with a spa, health café and with homemade organic skin care!!

I intend to try durian because I have heard great things about it and I have wanted to for a long time!

I intend to create a meet-up group for raw foodies so that I will meet others who love raw food in Lexington too!

I intend to wear mostly dresses from now on because I feel feminine and wonderful and beautiful in them!

I intend to do yoga more often and mediate because it calms me down and eases my mind

I intend to read more books because I want to learn more! Learning is exciting to me!

I intend to volunteer at a non-kill shelter and humane society because I love being around animals and helping them. Maybe I can even convince them to give them better food and convince the humane society to be a no-kill organization!!!

I intend to  paint in my new apartment and attend art classes because I think it would be liberating and wonderful to create with color and just let go.

I intend to take belly dancing, salsa,  and any other classes I find interesting because I love dance and I love the feeling of knowing how to dance and letting go of your inhibition once you have learned what  is needed…then your spirit takes over!

I intend to take the distant learning program through Global college for Master in Holistic Science so that I might learn as much as I can about Holistic health and begin building my dreams for a Holistic Center

I intend to travel to London, England Brussells, Belgium, Italy, Australia, Miami, Asheville, NC, Jamaica, Savannah, GA  all by the end of 2010 because I know I will love all of those beautiful places and it will open my mind

I intend to use my soul power and knowledge to create a confident feeling inside of me because I love feeling confident and secure with myself…it let’s me be me.

I intend to use the law of attraction more often and to learn more about it so that I might attract everything I want for the best life ever!

I intend to own exotic jewelry from all parts of the world because I love wonderful artistic jewelry it makes me feel unique and wonderfully different!

I intend to have an indoor garden in my house and grow herbs and fruits and vegetables so that I will have food year round and I can start making skin care products!!!

I intend to have thick long flowing curly hair because I love how it looks on me! I want it to be thick and long and beautiful and vibrant!

I intend to play tennis more often because it makes me feel awesome and confident

I intend to get massages every month and body wraps every month at Zian  Spa because I love being pampered and I deserve it!

I intend to pay off all my credit cards by September so that I will start fresh with my credit!

I intend to fly G back to Lexington to live with me in August so that he will have the best life with me! I love him!

I intend to get a blood test done in September so I can know what my body needs as far as nutrition goes.

I intend to use aromatherapy in my house and create my own fragrances because I love the aroma and I love mixing amazing scents and being tantalized by it all.

I intend to make lots of raw dishes and take pictures of them and share them with friends  because I love raw foods and I want others want to try them too!

I intend to find a guy that is incredibly funny, goofy, attractive, goal-driven, confident, well groomed, artistic, sensitive and amazing because that is what I want in a guy. I want to find my soulmate.

I intend to buy a juicer this September because I want to juice a lot of veggies and fruits! Pure health!!

I intend to have friends that are health conscious and down-to-earth because I want to have wonderful people around me!

I intend to feel confident and comfortable and knowledgeable in any situation because I live the best life ever and I give my soul and heart with joy in everything that I do!

I intend to become a dance within a dance company and travel in my late 20’s because I absolutely love Alvin Ailey and has inspired me from a very young age! I love dancing! I want to dance dance dance!!!!!

I intend to own amazing tribal antiques and beautiful colorful soul things in my home because the bring me closer to the world and would look lovely in my living room!

I intend to be creative and think creatively and above and beyond because I want to surprise myself and inspire others and bring life into whatever I do.

I intend to be in control of my emotional well being so that I might handle every situation with ease.


It is not fair to ask of others what you are unable to do yourself

Maturity includes the recognition that no one is going to see
anything in us that we don't see in ourselves.
Stop waiting for a producer. Produce yourself. 

~ Marianne Williamson ~

Sometimes I feel like I expect more from others rather than myself.
I look outside of myself for answers, approval, happiness, confidence, appreciation that lies within me. I get a knot in my throat working through this process. It's an uneasiness I feel in my throat, move down through my heart and to my stomach and it sits there willingly.
My last boyfriend I expected more from him than I did myself as he did as well. I still act like an asshole towards him. I still tease him with words and his wanting to be with me. Yet I have no desire to be with him romantically except out of fear. 

The goal of spiritual practice is full recovery, 
and the only thing you need to recover from is a fractured sense of self.

~ Marianne Williamson ~

I am scared of him moving on, I am scared of someone not caring anymore, I am scared of being replaced, and a part of me is scared I will fall into depression and a horrible life and everyone and everything around me will be happy except me. This could relate back to my father.
 I still unconsciously expect my ex to know something, to make me feel a certain way emotionally. It seems I am emotionally driven and my logic is there but goes out the window with the suffering I feel as my emotions surface. sometimes I think he will always feel a certain way and my perception of love, life and everything in between is his perception as well. I don't believe it though.
I hold  on to this and put it in thought and it bothers me. I hold on to what bothers me when all I want to do is hold on to the heaven without any comment, smirks, doubt or interruptions from my mind.
I want my mind to calm down. This is the hardest task for me. I am learning to love myself even though I am love. I am relearning to deeply and truly accept myself. Being positive and changing your way of thinking is a full-time job. 
I am so use to dwelling in my negative perceptions, the past that it's normal for me almost to feel and see the world in a certain way. It's not natural but it's normal and I think somewhere inside of me it scares me to change that.
What's best is not always easy. I thought I was finding happiness but I realize typing this I have a lot of pain. 

Spiritual progress is like detoxification.
Things have to come up in order to be released.
Once we have asked to be healed, 
then our unhealed places are forced to the surface. 

~ Marianne Williamson ~

I don't want to be a victim to it or a victim to my emotions. If I have the power, I can change that. My hardest virtue is patience. I feel like sometimes everything should be right now once I change, everything else should to. I know this isn't right. It's a bad habit. I am realizing a lot of bad habit lately since this cleanse:

My need for approval in the past
My need to feel "loved" by another
My realization of playing the victim to situations
That it's my full-time job to be happy and no one elses
I can change many things
I am wonderful
That I feel better on fruit more than anything
I have needed to do focus on me for a long time.
Sometimes I need to be selfish. It's not to be mean.
I tend  to idolize others more than myself
I want to relearn how to be at peace with myself and rethink anger
I get so angry sometimes. It balls up inside of me creating chaos to my spirit, mind and body. I don't want to think about it.
I live in the future when life is a string of moments. I live out of the moment. Centering my mind in the present isn't easy. It isn't easy to break old habits but I want it to be easy.

I have an tweaked messed up view of who I am. At least I can admit that.

The good thing is, things are changing. I am realizing these things and slowly addressing them and changing my thinking through out my day. I have been happier than I've been in a long time even though my life can feel like a three doors down cd gone india arie and back again. I can go to the depths of depression and the heights of happiness. With happiness I keep wanting to go higher. I think there are days aside from a happy life that you need to listen to the depths sometimes. It keeps you sane.
I still feel hopeful and I am changing and I can feel it! 
That should mean something. I think I can give myself some inner brownie points.

In our natural state, we are glorious beings. 
In the world of illusion, we are lost and imprisoned, 
slaves to our appetites and our will to false power.

~ Marianne Williamson ~


Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Law Of Attraction In Action


I just finished a book by Lynn Grabhorn called "Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting".
Not your ordinary self-help book. Her narrative voice, as I would put it, was very "coffee shop" and I liked that. The basis of the book was the Law of Attraction.
Which was the basis of the best-selling book "The Secret" a few years back.
I read the whole book and was very impressed and wondered if the law of attraction worked.
She recommends to keep positive and to apply affirmations to your day and through out the day.
She says to picture your life the way you want it. Ask the universe for it, expect it and it will come...


A part of me is still a little skeptical. I do believe in magic and miracles. 
Especially after this master cleanse! I feel alive and renewed and in touch with my body and what it needs. When I eat certain foods now, I can tell if my body doesn't like it and then I don't eat it. I'm letting my body and spirit be my doctor and guide.
Never have I had that before! It let's me know what is good for me by my energy levels. I feel best on fruit!! It's amazing!
I "attracted" a wonderful fruit smoothie from the co-op. It made me feel so great! I also only spent $5 on fruit for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Organic at that!

I went out last night to this club downtown called "Pulse".
They were having a drag show and amateur male stripper contest.
(It was quite funny that I went to that, when Jessica was suppose to pick me up to go to the PlayGirl male review but fell asleep!)
Alison and I went down there and met Sara down there. Sara was leaving to go to Belize today for a month to go work on an organic farm. I want to do that as well...but that's another story.
So anyways, I ordered a drink. I didn't really think I needed one but Alison bought me one.
If any of you know me, you may know that within the last 6 months I've had a problem with drinking. A dependency on drinking. I have gotten to the point sometimes when I feel like I can't function without it. This is due to my severe anxiety I have had most of my life.
So, I glanched at my drink, a little angst of the possibility of "how many drinks will it take..." was building inside of me,  I took a sip of my tequila sunrise, while observing the wicked drag queens and eccentric crowd and my body said "No". If my body could verbalize it would of said "mmm mmm, why are you drinking that! you feel good! you feel alive! you are a new person!"
I couldn't believe it! It was so strong and I didn't even have a taste for it. I felt happy that I could stop. I felt happy that I was in control of my feelings towards alcohol!
The rest of the night was great! It was much better being sober and feeling alive and vibrant than drinking! 
The thing is, I can control how I feel. It's the spirit-mind-body connection. Your spirit has a huge power over your body and for most of us our body affects the soul. We eat crappy food, we feel crappy. We muffle the voice of our spirit when we don't give our bodies good food and good nurishment. When we don't listen to our bodies and cover up the symptoms with medication and lies and don't give our body nurishment it creates a distance from our spirit.

I feel like I have "attracted" raw foods into my life for some reason. I didn't really picture this or plan this but it is wonderful, liberating and has changed my life for the better.
eating raw is magical and a miracle I found it!


Here is an excerpt from Abraham Hicks, another Law of Attraction guru on eating simply:

Unnatural Foods
When you introduce to your body something like sugar, or caffeine or preservatives ...when you introduce those substances that are not natural to your body to your body, your blessed body, which is so resilient, acclimates to them. It makes itself work anyway. It absorbs it. It consumes it. It does the best it can with it, and it compensates for it. But it has to work harder to compensate for these foods than it would if you were giving it the foods that are natural to it — and in its compensating process, it overcompensates on a cellular level. That overcompensation, to you, now feels like it’s asking for more of it, and so that translates to you as a craving.

Understanding Cravings
Have you ever had something like a box of chocolates and you wanted to eat only one or two? But then you found yourself wanting more. There’s a sort of illogical craving where you’ve gone far beyond the limit that your stomach really wants, far beyond the limit of satisfaction. You’re not even really enjoying it, but you’re consuming it in some sort of obsessive way. The cells of your body, in their trying to compensate for this weird stuff you have given it, are now overcompensating, which is setting up an attitude of craving...That’s why people have discovered that sometimes a fast or a cleansing — sometimes they use juices or just water — is sometimes the very best thing to do in starting a new process. We don’t really recommend it, because it is so extreme, but it does sort of put your cells back into the place of knowing what’s more natural. It’s sort of like going cold turkey for a little while, getting off the drug that the cells have acclimated to, and sometimes it’s a much easier way to begin.

Do you feel that you are motivated to eat from your head or from your cells? Do you think you are called more by your palette or by your desire for fuel?

GUEST: By my palette.

ABRAHAM: And so, perhaps this information will put you into a place of choosing a little bit more deliberately. Like most things, it only takes a day or two or three or four of being deliberate about it before you have developed a new pattern. Haven’t you noticed you can get on a trend where suddenly it’s hard for the first two or three days and then suddenly it isn’t so hard anymore?

Discovering The Simpler Foods
Now, we’re not suggesting that you have to go out and eat nuts and berries. We’re not suggesting that you have to deprive yourself from all of this other stuff. But what we are saying is that you are going to discover much more satisfaction in simpler foods. And as you begin to discover the satisfaction in simpler foods, this business of being guided by your palette instead of by your physical body’s desire for fuel will change.

The other alternative is to get your body so much in motion that the need of the cells changes. If you can get your body to move enough that the cells of your body are generating a sort of nuclear activity, they can burn anything that you’ve eaten. But your body can take care of the things that it’s naturally calling for in the course of a normal day’s activities.

You have learned to guide yourself through flavor, through satisfying your palette. You are consuming things that are not natural to the cells. The cells work very hard at then compensating for this stuff that you’ve eaten. If you increase the activity of your body to very high levels, which usually amounts to running or something very aerobic, then your body can deal with all that you’re palette has asked for. But if you stop that and your palette is still asking, then your body is out of balance.

(Excerpted from G-2/27/97 — Napa, CA

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Listening to my body: Post Master Cleanse


So I cheated. I didn't do 10 days like I said I would do on the master cleanse. boo hoo. I don't feel like a failure though. I might have if I was trying to lose a few pounds here or there but that was my goal in embarking on such a journey as the master cleanse. my goal was to detox my body and feel better over all and what an improvement it made! I'm not being sarcastic seriously! 
. Before the master cleanse, when I went to raw foods, I had a decrease in energy. I was not eating organic or eating enough of anything really. My chronic anxiety wasn't getting any better and I felt like I still had high-blood pressure and some form of vertigo. 
Doing the master cleanse, I felt calm and had so much energy!
I felt good about the skin I was in, I felt semi or even more than semi confident to not draw some eyeliner around my eyes and cover my face with foundation. 

I (on the left) went to the club on friday night without any makeup. Which for me is a big deal since I love makeup and feel lost without it!
After 5 days I lost too much weight, any more and that size 34 c would be a size 34 a. But, on the flip side...
I felt healthy and alive. It's the fact that my first round of infidelity to this cleanse was with toxic cooked food. My friend who I am currently staying with, is working at a catering business, who is also doing the master cleanse, brings home trays of food constantly. 
One day baked ziti, next day northern green beans, cakes, lasagna. It was just so easy to say "Okay, I'll have the vegetarian lasagna" but it wasn't easy on the stomach or my overall energy. After eating it I went from tigger to eeyore  in 2 minutes flat! 
And yes, that is the best comparison I could think of.
Aren't I creative :-)
So I said, "Ok, I need to listen to what my body is telling me. My body doesn't like this over cooked crap"
So I opted for a raw option. Sounded good, looked good. It was one of my some-what original raw-vegan creations:
banana, cacao chip, agave, almond butter thingy
It tasted good. So good I had two bowls of it.
Did the goodness last? No. 
It made me feel very groggy and lifeless. 
What was going on??!
This is raw! Isn't this suppose to make me feel good?! better?! something?! a positive opposite effect?!
I ate some fruit alone and it was amazing how I felt...I felt free and alive again!
So I am contemplating a high mono fruit diet.
I am amazed at the people who are 80/10/10 or fruitarian.
These female inspirations live wonderful lives.
Two in particular:
 I am inspired by is Suvine...

she is  a glamorous, gorgeous, radiant mono fruitarian!
raw vegan cake by raw vegan fruitarian watermelon girl.

She has an amazing blog where she writes her thoughts and posts her pictures of her glamorous fruitarian life, raw vegan creations, art work and the beautiful sights near her  home in Coral Gables, FL. She is surrounded by so much beauty and exotic fruit. What a wonderful life!!
Visit her blog at has started a new life now but her amazing blog is still up!

raw vegan pie goji berrie blueberries blackberries by raw vegan fruitarian watermelon girl.

The second is Freelea who started 

She just looks so healthy and is so nice! She lives in Australia. Also lives a wonderful, vibrant life!

check her out at or

So that leaves me...wanting a vibrant, healthy life!
I am going to embark on a high-fruit lifestyle and keep track of my progress. 
Basically see if it helps me. It is best to keep it simple especially with our food!
I am excited...mono meals and smoothies here I come! 

The Lemonade Diet

When life gives you lemons...


You sure as hell should go buy some grade b maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and distilled water and do the master cleanse!
The following is all typed out by me and from my personal experience with the master cleanse.
You can do the cleanse from anywhere from 10-40 days. Good luck and enjoy!~ Marina


There is no doubt in my mind that embarking on a journey like this for 10 days or more can have an incredible life-changing effect. If you don't believe me, try it and see for yourself.

Before I list off the ingredients and instructions I suggest you make a promise to yourself for your health and well-being!
When you come off a cleanse like this you CAN NOT jump back into your old ways. You must ease your way in and out of this cleanse and you must eat healthy, organic foods.
I'm not advising that you switch to raw foods or go vegetarian or vegan (although you may want to after your cleanse for optimal health---your standard american diet perspective does change) but it is very important that you go to organic foods! Do your research!
If you decide to still eat meat, make sure it is grass-fed beef and is organic. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! EATING A SICK, MALNURISHED, HORMONE INJECTED ANIMAL ONLY MAKES YOU SICK IN THE LONG RUN!


Before you start the actual cleanse it is important that you ease your way in with raw fruits, veggies and liquids. If you do the easing in it is easier to start the master cleanse.
You should eat pre-master cleanse food for 2-3 days.
day 1: nuts, legumes, salads
day 2: smoothies, soups, salads, raw fruit or veggies
day 3: all liquids ie: soups and/or smoothies


* Celtic Sea Salt

*Maple Syrup Grade B (not pancake syrup!) -you can find this at Whole Foods or Good Foods Co-op.

or Raw Agave Syrup

A 16 oz bottle should last you about 3 or 4 days.

*Organic Lemons- STOCK UP!!
ie: you might want to buy a hand juicer 

* Cayenne pepper (If you would like a less potenent flavor try the liquid cayenne)

*Distilled Water (If you decide to buy a huge refillable gallon of distilled water make sure the container has a 1 on the recyclable label. Most have 7's which release nasty harmful chemicals in your water. Even the Co-op sells these so be careful!)

* laxative tea (optional)



Every morning or evening you will need to do a salt water flush or drink a laxative tea to detox your body. It is important that you do so!
If you do the salt water flush start with:

25-32 oz of distilled water and a tsp of Celtic Sea Salt
Mix well and drink.
The salt water flush isn't very pleasant and after drinking it you will most likely have to run to the bathroom.
So, stock up on that TP!

After about anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour you can drink the lemonade.


This makes a days worth of lemonade

* 60 oz of distilled water

* 12 tbsp of lemon juice (2 large lemons or 3-4 small lemons juiced)

* 12 tbsp of Grade B Maple Syrup or Raw Agave Syrup

* 1 tsp of Cayenne...teaspoon that is!!





During the cleanse you will have cravings. They say that what you are craving at the time is what you are detoxing. 
Be strong! Think about the long run and what you truly want and not the short term fix of a hamburger or hot dog!

You will experience spurts of high energy and happiness!

The possibilities are limit less. It really depends on the person!

You may want to look up natural nutrition information while doing the cleanse for your post- cleanse lifestyle.

If you cheat, or get discouraged just keep drinking your lemonade! It's okay! It's a learning process!

To keep you motivated join some on-line forums or check out youtube for master cleanse videos...they are very motivating!!

After you have met your goal of how ever many days of the master cleanse you will need to ease out.


Easing out is a lot like easing in but backwards. This is when you need to contemplate your post-master cleanse lifestyle and what kind of food you are going to be eating after the cleanse.
Easing out should take 2-3 days.
You will need to start with liquids and work your way up to solid foods.
The day you come off start with Organic freshly squeezed orange juice. 
The next day start with more fruit juices and smoothies.
The 3rd day go to raw fruit, soups, raw veggies and salads.
Then you can go to your new healthy life style! Which ever you choose!

If you have any questions just message me back!

I hope this is a wonderful, challenging, amazing, beautiful, life changing experience for you as it was for me!

Cheers to good health!

Peace Love and Happiness,

Marina :-)


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I am a creator... a wanderer... ...everchanging